Jefferson COVID Stories
Audio Profiles
In partnership with Humans of the Hospital
Medical Student on COVID-19
Apart from the fam
but also with a new one.
Spring blooms; upward dog
Testing day is near
but then just like that, it's not––
Wind exhales, hoarsely
– Nick Safian, medical student, Sidney Kimmel Medical College
Veterinarian on Making Work Meaningful
The treatments, cures and vaccines for COVID19 all involve the use of animal models prior to their use in human beings. While the scientists conduct this important work, the staff of the animal facility must provide care for these important animals. Researchers at Jefferson are making great progress in this work and couldn't do so unless my team and I came to work and provided for these animals. My team is definitely a part of the 'behind the scenes heroes' during this difficult time.
– Judith, Daviau, Veterinarian, Office of Animal Studies
College of Pharmacy Administrator on her Haiku
There is a deep void.
Just want to hug her. Aching
For my granddaughter.
– Andi Joseph, Assistant Director Experiential Education, Jefferson College of Pharmacy
Medical Writer Pam Walter on the Situation at Home
My daughter accused me of being secretly glad all the chicks are back in the nest, and this rings a little bit true, although not for the reason she thinks--that I just want them around. A graduate student, college sophomore, and high school senior, my three daughters have been supportive companions to one another through this continued confinement. When the graduate student develops lesson plans, the other two chime in with ideas. When the high schooler gets lost in her ipad, the other two encourage her to exercise with them. Their mutual occupation frees up mental energy for me and my spouse to get our work done, too. Yet our son is in Nashville, married and out of the nest, so to speak. Still, we worry about him, about the tornado that hit his old neighborhood, and about his wife, a PACU nurse now doing hospital intake during a pandemic. What my daughter doesn't understand is that I am not just happy the other three are home. I'm grateful I know where they are and that they're not sick or exposed to all the world's dangers. I would never have wished for this in a million years, but I am glad I can witness their safety. For the moment.
– Pam Walter, Office of Professional Writing, Publishing, and Communication
Surgical ICU Nurse Molly Silven on the Situation at Home
Trying to plan a wedding, graduate with a masters and potentially move, all while working during this COVID situation has been extremely stressful. Going to work has been tough because everyone is on edge with the situation. Staying home is tough because my fiancé and I are also on edge, trying to plan our lives. Unfortunately, it’s looking more and more like we will have to postpone our wedding; however, we both are happy to be able to help those in need.
– Molly Silven, Surgical ICU Nurse
Head and Neck Surgeon Elizabeth Cottrill on the Situation at Home
My husband and I are both physicians and working as much as possible from home. We have an 18 month old son and another baby on the way in August. We are trying our best to keep our son entertained and keep his normal daily schedule as well as provide education and variation in his environment despite a small house and tiny patio. My husband and I are trying to check in with each other every evening and talk about ways that we can support each other day by day and week by week. We are also trying, when possible, to take time to forget whats going on outside of our home and focus on the joy and wonder of life as seen through our son's eyes.
- Beth Cottrill, Head and Neck Cancer Surgeon