Jefferson COVID Stories
Let’s play Rose, Thorn, Bud, Gardener: Rose is a high point over the past few weeks; Thorn is a low point; Bud is something you’re looking forward to/feeling hopeful about; Gardener is someone who supports you. Can you share a Rose, Bud, Thorn, and Gardener from the past few weeks?
Rose: Having a small 4 people birthday celebration with my family.
Thorn: Not having luck finding internships.
Bud: Looking forward to the stay at home order being lifted.
Gardener: My friends and family
Rose: I have cut over 200 pieces of fabric to help my hometown of Ocean City, NJ, make protective masks for our local nursing homes, hospitals, and other healthcare offices.
Thorn: Waking up every night worrying about my family and friends.
Bud: I am looking forward to seeing the curve flatten and maybe soon getting to see my parents and my grandmom!
Gardener: My parents. Every day they call me asking how I am handling all of this and telling me it’s OK to worry. They are supporting me every step of the way through this and are sending me so much love all the way from their home in Florida!
– Communications student
Rose: Being able to spend so much time with my kids.
Thorn: I have started checking out of technology (internet, social media). From working remotely, I have come to hate being "connected." The only exception is using video calling to talk to my parents who are far away. I won't be able to visit them for months.
Bud: Having time to watch the flowers & trees blossom in my yard. Spring has always been my favorite season.
Gardener: Coworker friends who are dealing with the same issues I am. Parents.
– Administrator, Department of Family & Community Medicine
Rose: Creating connections with coworkers I never knew before this, nor would have had the chance to work so closely together with
Thorn: Realizing I don't know when I can see my family again
Bud: Knowing I can be there for a patient/patient's family during maybe one of the scariest times of their lives
Gardener: My nursing family/my gym family/my retreat family/my actual family
– Nurse, Float and Per Diem Pool Team
Rose: This morning my 9 year old Callie (who happens to have Down syndrome) realized she did a math problem all on her own and didn’t need my help!
Thorn: When I walked out of the house yesterday and Callie looked very sad and said, “Do you have to go? There could be coronavirus there.” She may not get fractions (at least the way I teach her most of the time), but she really does get that coronavirus is bad.
Bud: We got to FaceTime with a puppy we are bring home on May 15th. Something to look forward to!
Gardener: My husband Tom and our son Keegan who make me laugh even when it’s inappropriate…and to Tom who fertilizes the family well with his awesome home cooking.
– Physician, Department of Family and Community Medicine
Rose: Having a sense of purpose, my commitment to caring for everyone, my family and my peeps at Jefferson
Thorn: Some people not taking the coronavirus serious
Bud/Gardener: Pray for a cure ASAP…Looking forward to things getting back to normal…hugging my family, friends, co-workers
– First Responder, Security Department
Rose: Discovering “Some Good News” and seeing the original Hamilton cast reunite online for an encore.
Thorn: Learning that my youngest daughter's senior year would be completely virtual. No prom. No friends over. No senioritis. No graduation. (My mother always says you're only as happy as your unhappiest child.)
Bud: Springtime, what else? In spite of everything, a cherry tree in full blossom reminds me that life returns.
Gardener: My husband and daughters have been everything to me these last weeks. We prop each other up and keep each other going. They think I'm encouraging them, but it's completely mutual. We pull each other's weeds and water each other's seeds.
– Writer, Office for Professional Writing, Publishing, and Communication
Rose: I spent my Saturday outside fixing up my garden.
Thorn: Having an illness knock me down a bit (don’t worry, it is non-Covid-19 related. I have been fairly tired and uncomfortable so I feel a bit down about not being able to get as much work done.
Bud: (No pun intended!) I have not planted anything yet because we have not had a consistent temperature of over 60 degrees but I am looking forward to it.
Gardener: Throughout it all, my mom has filled the supportive Gardener role. She always makes sure that I have what I need to manage symptoms and gives me words of support while I push through my day.
– Student, Jefferson College of Population Health
My rose, ironically my cousin's middle name, had her birthday recently and was excited to see Wicked on Broadway and of course was unable to do so. Instead our family got together to celebrate her special day over zoom, singing her happy birthday all together. There was about 30+ people that attended and it definitely made her day, as she made mine. I see the joy and hope in our future generation.
The thorn was overwhelming feelings of anxiety and stress related to the situation our country is in. As well as the inactions, dismissive nature, and rude comments by our president. Just knowing he is our president and the root cause of these issues is a thorn in of itself.
My bud is that I am looking forward to the progress that is being made towards the antibody test and vaccine. I wish everything could go back to the way it was, but change will happen for the better.
My gardener has been my parents. Even though they could come pick me up and take me home in 30 minutes (or less now that there is no traffic), they support me staying in center city to act as an essential personnel for the lab. They call at least every other day, if not they message on the days they can't call, to check in to see how I am doing; I feel the love and support. I wanted to let them know that I am grateful that I have parents who are able to be understanding even during a pandemic. Even when I am being moody they still love me and want to understand what is going on. So, thank you mom and dad for always being there for me. I love you.
– PhD Student
Rose: Finding out I’m being redeployed
Thorn: Uncertainty
Bud: Hopeful for positive change
Gardener: Rehab management team
– Occupational Therapist, Rehabilitation Medicine
Rose: Social distancing happy hour
Thorn: No actual family gatherings/meals for the holidays
Bud: This too, shall pass (eventually)
Gardener: Zoom!!!
– Professor, Fashion Design
Rose: Finally getting groceries and toilet paper!
Thorn: My dad’s friend died of the virus...
Bud: I look forward to class every day :)
Gardener: This week it’s been my professor who has been extremely helpful and understanding
– Architecture student
Rose: I have been a nurse at Jefferson for over forty years. I have worked bedside thru TB, Legionnaires, Toxic shock syndrome, and AIDS. This epidemic I am working remotely, and feel I am still contributing as Jefferson's charting will be part of an enormous national data bank that describes the hospital experience of COVID - what the disease does to people, and how to best handle it.
Thorn: I am not bedside now... but I know the fear. Reading the charts is sad, and frightening. I am overwhelmed by how hard it is to take care of these patients, and how quickly some patients reach no return. Sometimes I just have to take a break...and feel guilty because after all, I am "remote".
Bud: I am so heartened and humbled by the entire Jefferson response, and the sacrifices, finding ways to treat, to connect, to teach, to create, to support, to reach out in love, , and not let anyone fall thru the cracks. Warriors, heroes, angels - I have never been more proud to be Jefferson family!!
Gardener: God Bless those IT and TAC people getting so many up and running remote. Thank you to kind supervisors who just encourage and explain.
– BSN, Clinical Documentation Specialist